RWB Renovations – Home Improvements (949)701-7931

Residential Painting, Interior and exterior, Tub-to-Shower Conversion, Drywall, Plumbing, Electrical, Handyman, Remodeling, and more—Services you can count on.

RWB Crew at Work

Teri S Kitchen Remodel

We Do It All

Our previous projects include any new Home Renovations, Painting Interior and Exterior repairs/restorations. Occupied and fully operational job sites are never a problem. And, we can also plan, manage, and build multi-phase jobs for all sorts of clients.

There is so much commitment to our clients that our referral base has become an icon with Orange County residential homeowners which gives any new and potential clients the ability to contact past and current clients directly by text, phone or email today to get real live testimonials.

Working Together

We offer an end-to-end client experience that includes seamless communication, budgeting, staffing, on-site organization, and solid, quality handiwork every time. 

Let’s Start Your Next Project

We keep an eye on budgets to stay on top of schedules for timely delivery and work closely with you and our team to create your vision. “With Your Success in Mind”

Orange County California
Home Renovation